Saturday, February 29, 2020

Sci/256 Week 2 Discussion Question

Identify a natural ecosystem in which you live or one near to where you live? How does this ecosystem support you? At what trophic level are you? Why? An ecosystem (2011), according to Merriam Webster Learners Dictionary, is everything that exists in a particular environment. An ecosystem includes living things, such as plants and animals, and things that are not living, such as rocks, soil, sunlight, and water. One such example of a natural ecosystem is the George Mitchell Nature Preserve in Creekside Village in the Woodlands, TX. Thewoodlandstx. com (2011) website illustrates that the George Mitchell Nature Preserve is part of the Montgomery County Spring Creek Greenway, which will connect and protect up to 12,000 acres of forest on both sides of Spring Creek. The Mitchell Preserve covers nearly 1,700 acres, and opened on October 19th, 2007. The natural ecosystem of this nature preserve can support humans in many ways. For example, the Spring Creek watershed currently contains tens of thousands of acres of bottomland hardwood forest and various edible plants. It also provides homes to wildlife, creates recreation opportunities such as hiking and biking trails, reducing flooding, and improving air quality (Montgomery County Precinct 3, 2011). Not to mention, the preserve increases real estate values and community pride, reduces pollution, and lowers air temperature. Second, wildlife in the nature preserve offers many to take the chance to bird watch. The forests along Spring Creek provide a crucial stopover point for migratory songbirds, where they can rest and refuel after crossing the Gulf of Mexico on their annual spring migration from Central and South America (Montgomery County Precinct 3, 2011). Many species of fish live in the lake year-round including catfish, crappie, and bass. White bass migrate through during springtime, and all are available for fishing. Last, the preserve offers an exceptional educational benefit. Several elementary, middle, and high schools have taken field trips learning about Spring Creek, the preserve, nature, and the benefits it has to offer to the public. A trophic level (2011) according to Encyclopedia Britannica, is a step in the nutritive series, or food chain, in the ecosystem. We as humans eat plants and animals, also considered omnivores. This in terms puts us at the third trophic level. However, several humans who are vegan would be considered second trophic level consumers because they eat only produce. Though it may sound simple, the food chains and food webs are often complex and difficult to analyze. The ecosystem is natural and living. As humans, we are as very much a part of the ecosystem as plants and animals, along with other organisms and bacteria. Although we expend plants and animals as third trophic level consumers and depend on them for survival, we must also take into consideration that the first, second, and fourth trophic level consumers also rely on the ecosystem for survival as well. Thus meaning ecosystems are essential for all life on earth. References Ecosystem. ( 2011). In Merriam Webster Learners Dictionary. Retrieved from http://www. learnersdictionary. com/search/ecosystem Montgomery County Precinct 3. (2011). Spring Creek Greenway. Retrieved from http://www. springcreekgreenway. org/the_creek. htm Thewoodlandstx. com. (2011). The Woodlands TX. Retrieved from http://www. thewoodlandstx. com/parks/george-mitchell-nature-preserve. php Trophic Level. ( 2011). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/606492/trophic-level

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Islamic Finance Law Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Islamic Finance Law - Dissertation Example The paper would therefore be analysing the role of Islamic finance in the fast transforming environment of global economy with the view that it has brought in more radical but ethical paradigms within financial system of contemporary times. Historical background The Ottoman Empire in the pre WWI era has perhaps been the most prominent exponent of using tenets of Islamic finance in their trade and business transactions. The close trade relationship with their European counterparts, Islamic finance was closely aligned with that of European financial system. The system worked on the basis of sharing of profit and loss (Chachi, 2005). But post WWI and WWII brought into focus the divergent ideologies of two financial system into sharp focus. While the western economy and financial system was based on interest bearing instruments, Islamic finance was rigidly guided by the religious tenets of Islam which forbids transactions based on interests or gains made through unethical means (Ahmad, 1 972)). In the contemporary times, Islamic finance has seen unprecedented growth primarily because of its fundamental principles based on Shariah guidelines (Anwar, 2008; Sundararajan & Errico, 2002). Principles of Islamic law and financial transactions under it Islamic finance is based on Islamic law that conforms to the Shariah guidelines of ethical practices in personal and business arena. Thus, Shariah can broadly be referred as Islamic law that defines the duties of man and the way they should be carried out (Vogel & Hayes, 1998; Hasanuzzaman, 1997). Shariah is part of Quran, the religious scripture of Muslims and is written in Arabic language. The interpretation of Shariah scholars therefore, may differ but the fundamental principle of ethics remains same. But Hadith, qiyas, idjma and fatwas are also key sources which inspire the ethical and moral considerations within the business transactions in Islamic finance (El-Gamal, 2006; Shahrukh, 1997; Pryor, 1985). Shariah principles are based on equity and prohibit financial transactions and activities that incorporate gharar (uncertainty), maiser (gambling) and riba (interest income) (Thomas, 2005; Nienhaus, 1986; Hasanuzzaman, 1994). The shariah compliance is vital element of Islamic finance products. Interestingly in the current times of highly sensitive global market, Islamic finance offers huge incentives in terms of ethically delivered financial instruments in myriad areas of finance (Venardos, 2005; Cooper, 1997; Ariff, 1988). It has made forays into banking, market risks and credit, insurance, liquidity management etc. and is fast emerging as credible alternative investment forum. Main Sharia compliant transaction structure and how they are used in practice All Islamic financial institutions are distinct in their constitution of board that comprises of financial experts and shariah scholars who evaluate the validity of financial instruments as per shariah principles. It uses various financial structure s that conform to shariah but at the same time, adequately meet the needs of people in the contemporary times (Hasanuzzaman, 1971; Saeed, 1995). Some of those financial methodologies can be defined as under: Zakah: It is vital instrument that promotes social justice by ensuring that people who own more than nisab (basic need) must make donation of 2.5% of their yearly assets. The social funds are used to meet the needs of the poor. Murabaha:

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Islam - Essay Example Before the Prophet Mohammad was sent by Allah as the last messenger, the 7th century in Mecca comprised of tribal nomadic Arab people who lived in deserts, in tents or in mud/sand houses. They were socially related to each tribe as in blood relations and they were divided in small families called clans. Politically, the Arabs in the 7th century has no proper written laws, they just use to choose a Sheikh through consensus and then they used to accept all the decisions their Sheikh made for them and they strictly had to follow the customs and traditions of their tribes1. Their religion during those days was Polo theism as they were somewhere in their minds aware of the existence of Allah but they had deviated from the right path and were creating deities with Allah. Quran refers to them as â€Å"Jahilyah Arab†2. The concept of Polo theism during the 7th century was that the Arab nomads thought that the deities they had created had some kind of a link between them and the Allah they had lost. The deities they had created were substances like rain, fire, trees and so on. These Arabs thought that rain and trees brought about farming and agricultural surplus for them; they were their Gods as these substances had very strong/powerful benefits for them3. At this time, the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) was also in Mecca and he was greatly worried about the social moral order of the Arabs and he used to meditate and contemplate in the Cave Hira about the social and political issues. He also worked for the restoration of justice in the society. During this time, that is, the 610 A.D. the Prophet (P.B.U.H) had just turned 40 years old and Allah sent him the first revelation through Angel Gabriel, which asked the Prophet to read in the Name of Allah. Then the Second revelation was received, Surah Al-Ikhlas, which brought guidance towards social reforms in Arabia. It stated that the social moral order should be based on Allah’s laws and not